Category: PeopleTools

  • PeopleSoft Desktop Single Sign-on via Kerberos – Part 3

    Welcome to the third installment of PeopleSoft Desktop Single Sign-on via Kerberos.  I hope to wrap up everything in this final post. In Part 1 we configured our Linux servers to talk to our Active Directory server and setup a user/SPN for our Kerberos Authentication. In Part 2 of the PeopleSoft Desktop SSO write up…

  • PeopleSoft Desktop Single Sign-on via Kerberos – Part 2

    In Part 1 we started our SSO config by getting our Linux servers to talk to the KDC and we should have a working keytab file for our SPN. Now lets setup some things for our Weblogic to utilize this. First, create the following krbLogin.conf file krbServer { required storeKey=true useKeyTab=true keyTab=”/home/psoft/krb5.keytab” isInitiator=false principal=”HTTP/”;…

  • FILEOUTPUT target connector

    Someone called the other day. They were trying to use the FILEOUTPUT connector. They were getting the following errors Integration Gateway: Password is either missing or invalid. (158,10633) when pinging the node and PublicationContractManager::ProcessError/RetryResponse(): ‘Integration Gateway: Password is either missing or invalid. (158,10633)’. in the publication contracts error log. By default in the files…

  • PeopleSoft Desktop Single Sign-on via Kerberos – Part 1

    With the release of PeopleTools 8.51 Desktop Single Signon via Kerberos is now a supported reality.  Though this can’t really be considered a delivered solution, I’d call it a reference solution, for those that want to build their own it is at least available and documented.  So here is a walk through of setting up…

  • PSADMIN on the web server

    With PeopleTools 8.52 “PSADMIN” is now a usable utitlity on the web tier and can be used for the creation, configuration, starting, stopping and more of PIA. If you’re like most people and only install the web component on the web server you’ll need to setup some environment variables: $ psadmin ERROR: TUXDIR environment variable…

  • The PeopleSoft ReleaseAdaptor

    The PeopleSoft ReleaseAdaptor is used to manipulate delivered projects to meet the requirements needed to apply them to your current environment.  Usually this is run as a step in Change Assistant.  The ReleaseAdaptor consists of files including: %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\releaseadaptor.bat %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\project_filters.xml %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\adaptdms.bat %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\transform_programs.xml %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\ProjectFilter.bat %PS_HOME%\bin\client\winx86\ProjectInspector.bat %PS_HOME%\class\projectadaptor.jar The project_filters.xml file contains information about all object types in PeopleSoft…

  • ptCommonObj is not defined after Tools upgrade

    I was upgrading an 8.51.03 environment to 8.52.07 recently and ran into this problem, no buttons or tabs would work and any time you tried they would generate a JavaScript error indicating “ptCommonObj is not defined”.  There were other objects not defined, but I failed to note them all in this case. Oracle has the…