Part 3: PeopleSoft SES Administration

Continuing from Part 2 where I wrote about the configuration of SES and PeopleSoft integration we move on to the Administration of the PeopleSoft Search Framework.

Next we will use the Deploy/Delete Object page to deploy our first search definition to SES.  Search definitions are created and maintained in PeopleSoft.   Once the definition is deployed, we run the Application Engine PTSF_GENFEED via the Schedule Search Index page.  This AE will create a special SES feed in PeopleSoft and schedule the SES crawler to crawl the feed.  The following is quoted from the SES PeopleBook for 8.53

  1. The Schedule Search Index page initiates the PTSF_GENFEED Application Engine program.

  2. The Pre Processing Application Engine program defined for the search definition runs.

  3. PTSF_GENFEED Application Engine program runs the query (PeopleSoft Query or Connected Query) associated with the search definition.

  4. The output of the query becomes a data source for the Feeds Framework.

  5. The Feeds Framework converts the query output to an Oracle RSS Schema format and writes the SES Feed to the Integration Broker queue, and the Deletion query defined for the Search Definition runs.

  6. The Search Framework then creates an SES Schedule for the SES source associated with the search definition and sets the schedule disposition to “CRAWL immediately.”

  7. The Post Processing Application Engine program defined for the search definition runs.

  8. The SES Crawler, using the URL of the Integration Broker queue where the SES Feed is located, initiates the crawling of the SES Feed.

Let’s work through the exercise of setting up the Portal Registry aka Menu search index.  This index is delivered in the 9.2 applications.

1. Navigate to PeopleTools –> Search Framework –> Administration –> Deploy/Delete Object

Scroll to the bottom of the the list of Search Definitions and select PTPORTALREGISTRY  (# 29 in my case) and click deploy.  Once successfully deployed the Deploy Status column will say Deployed.



Next we build the index data (the feed) and tell SES to crawl the data.  In order to do this we run the Schedule Search Index job as previously mentioned.

2. Navigate to PeopleTools –> Search Framework –> Administration –> Schedule Search Index

Create a run control, naming it after your Search Definition and the Index type.  Once created the run control options cannot be changed from what I’ve seen.  You might name the run control something like PTPORTALREG_FULL.  Select PTPORTALREGISTRY as the search definition and select Full index for the Indexing type.  If you use the lookup it will only return deployed search definitions.  There are two Indexing Type options, Full and IncrementalFull will be used for initial processing and possibly if you wanted to update the full index, otherwise it is recommended to run the incremental option. Oracle says:

It is recommended to create one run control for incremental indexing, scheduled to run very frequently, and create another run control for full index rebuilding set to run less frequently. For example, incremental indexing might run daily, where a full index rebuild may be set to run every six months.

I left Language Option on Base Language as I only have one language available.  Click Run,  and check process monitor to verify it completed successfully.


Once the job is complete lets check SES.  Login to SES and go to the Sources tab of the Home tab.  You should see your search source, then click the schedules tab, you should see that the index build was schedule for a one time run.


Once you’ve validated your search is working repeat the Schedule Search Index process creating a new Run Control for the incremental index.  This time set this one up as a recurring job based on the frequency that you would like to have it updated.

In the 9.2 applications certain functions won’t work until you’ve deployed the Search Definition and built the Index.  In HCM 9.2 let’s try to browse job openings in recruiting.  Without the search properly deployed we get the following error in the Demo environment.


Lets follow the above steps to to Deploy and Build the Index.

Select HC_HRS_JOB_OPENING from the Search Definition list on the Deploy/Delete Object page.


Click deploy to send the definition to SES.  Then let’s use the Schedule Search Index page to create the index and schedule the crawl of the feed.


Once the job is complete we can return to Recruiting –> Browse Job Openings and see if it worked.


Next up, some troubleshooting tips.



, ,




76 responses to “Part 3: PeopleSoft SES Administration”

  1. Tom M Avatar
    Tom M

    Hi Randy,

    Thanks for sharing some good information on SES development and administration. Can you advise what is the best way to move SES elements (definitions, categories, contexts, indexes) between environments?


  2. rajendra Avatar

    I followed the steps written by you and was able to setup OSES with PSFSCM.

    Thanks you very much

  3. Anee Avatar

    Can you tell me how to use same ses for different peoplesoft application. I am unable to register more than one idm plugin at a time

  4. Brandon Avatar


    I’m having a major problem with the following error

    Deploying search definition
    Exception caught while adding peoplesoft source Service Exception: ns2:AdminAPIRuntimeFault : EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operation “createAll”. (262,1018)

    Have you ever seen this or know what to do? I’ve installed all patches and can’t find a fix anywhere.


    1. Randy Avatar

      I had an email exchange with Brandon and he had already solved his problem. He provided the following feedback:

      I finally found that the SES Server and the server that PeopleSoft was installed on weren’t talking to each other properly. The two servers could ping each other fine but I did not have a hostname associated with the IP address’ we were using for the two machines. Apparently if you setup the Search Framework in the PIA with just an IP address on the same domain it will ping successfully. But when deploying a search definition during the RNDTRPTST if that machine does not have a hostname associated with the IP address, PeopleSoft and SES will not communicate. As soon as I added the IP and hostname to the hosts file on each system everything ran to success.

    2. chung Avatar

      I am facing the same error message during Round-trip Deploy test. Can you please clarify which ‘host file’ you’re referring to? What is the file name and is it from the Peoplesoft of SES file server. Thanks

      1. atgihdgv Avatar

        you’d better setup the host file in both SES and Peoplesoft which means they can ping to each other by the hostname.

  5. IO Avatar

    Hello, thank’s for help in step 2 – now I have a new break during deploying. I started to deploy “Building the PTPORTALREGISTRY Search Index” – the appEngine runs still, since more then one hour. In the message log I found the follow:

    Successfully generated total 3 segments for language ENG
    Successfully generated feed for Search definition PTPORTALREGISTRY

    But then a never-ending process brings permanent message “SES crawler status : Launching , time elapsed 4385 sec, next check after 120 sec ”

    It runs and runs and no end is visible ?! But the process should be fininshed as successful. So what have I to do or what is missing that the process cannot finished ?

    Thanks for help, Irina.

    1. Randy Avatar

      I would start by checking the crawler log if it exists and if so are there errors in it or did it complete. For the crawler log file path can be found on the Home – Schedules – Crawler Progress Summary page in the Administration GUI of SES. Also take a look in $SES_MIDDLETIER_HOME/user_projects/domains/search_domain/servers/ess_server1/logs/ess_server1-diagnostic.log if that exists and see if there are any errors or warnings in it. By the way, what ended up being your problem originally?

  6. Kay Avatar

    Are there standard permission lists that allow users access to SES, or any specific security that needs to be tied to roles/permission lists/users?

  7. Anand Avatar

    Hi Randy,

    I have followed all your instructions. It was greate help.

    Now facing issue getting error at Recruiting –> Browse Job Openings (after Deploy Object )

    Service Exception: Fault Code = env:Server : Fault String = [Server CodecHandler] Failed to encode fault
    -> EQG17074: Invalid facet path: hrs_status/010 Open
    (262,143) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.QueryResponse.OnExecute Name:QueryResponse PCPC:676 Statement:9
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:437
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:ExecuteQuery Statement:47
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.Query.OnExecute Name:Execute Statement:39
    Called from:HRS_SEARCH.SearchFramework.JobOpeningSearch.OnExecute Name:BeginSearch Statement:68
    Called from:HRS_JOB_OPNG_SRCH.Activate Statement:40

    Need help.

    OSES, PT853.08, HRMS 9.2

    1. Randy Avatar

      Try going to PeopleTools-> Search Framework -> Administration -> Deploy/Delete Object. Select the bad search def (HC_HRS_JOB_OPENING) and click the update button at the bottom. This may fix the bad facet in SES. This will not be an instantaneous process. It may take time to build the indexes in SES.

  8. srinivasulu Avatar

    This is very good explanation in detailed.
    I have a question related to SES implementation for PeopleSoft Base Language as SWE.
    We are planning to implement SES for our client who is having base language as Swedish.
    Kindly let me know if any known issues in SWE language related to SES.

    Thanks in advance

    1. Randy Avatar

      I’m not aware of any known issues, but I’ve only ever worked on English based systems. SES itself should not care about language, it’s just indexing the feeds generated and provided by PeopleSoft. When you create a Search Index there is a language option, but it sounds like SWE will be the base, assuming ENG is still in the system and the base language was just swapped, you may need to select the All Languages option normally. If they don’t care about ENG indexing then I suppose you could just do Base Language.

  9. surya Avatar

    i have a problem, how to fix this ? thanks

    PeopleCode compile error (AddQueryFieldDefaultValueExpression is not a method of class CQRuntime. (2,52) ^ PPT) for program PTSF_FEED.SESFeedDataSource.OnExecute. (2,405)

    A PeopleCode program for the specified reference failed to compile correctly for the indicated reason.

    In Application Designer, open the referenced program and examine the PeopleCode to locate the cause of the error.
    Class PTSF_FEED:SESFeedDataSource was not found. (180,74) PTFP_FEED.FeedFactory.OnExecute Name:getDataSource PCPC:2247 Statement:41
    Called from:PTFP_FEED.Feed.OnExecute Name:setDataSourceByID Statement:712
    Called from:PTSF_DP_SBO_WRK.PTSF_DEPLOY_BTN.FieldChange Statement:93

    The given class could not be found in the database, or had problems when we tried to load it.

    1. Randy Avatar

      What PeopleTools patch are you on? This was a problem when 8.53 was initially released. It was fixed in one of the early patches. You should patch to current, 8.53.13 was just released.

  10. Shenyu Avatar

    We are having the same issue Surya has. We did patch it to 8.53.12. I can see the app class there. Somehow it just kept giving out this error when running search index. I even compiled the app package, purged cache, restarted app server. It’s still there. Very strange. May have to file a service request on this.

  11. Syed shamim Avatar
    Syed shamim

    How can I integrate multiple peoplesoft applications or databases within a single SES database ?

  12. Suresh Maruthi Avatar
    Suresh Maruthi

    We just configured SES for Peoplesoft HCM 9.2 tools 8.53.
    The search index jobs fails with below error..
    SES crawller launch failed with error Service Exception: ns2:AdminAPIRuntimeFault : EQA-15000: An un expected error occurred during operation “getState”. (262,1018) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.AdminRespo nse.OnExecute Name:AdminResponse PCPC:1452 Statement:20 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:894 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:getState Statement:862 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:GetCrawlStatus Statemen


    Service Exception: ns2:AdminAPIRuntimeFault : EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operati on “getState”. (262,1018) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.AdminResponse.OnExecute Name:AdminResponse PCP C:1452 Statement:20 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:894 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:getState Statement:862 Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:GetCrawlStatus Statement:303 Called from:PTSF_GENFEED.SES_ST

    And when I clicked on Schedules tab in SES is get this error…

    Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Error Failed to authenticate user FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_APPID from the idstore. Please make sure FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_APPID is a valid user in the idstore configured in jps-config.xml.

    Appreciate your help at the earliest.


    Suresh Maruthi

    1. prakash Avatar

      Having the same problem, could you able to resolve?

    2. Precious Grace Avatar
      Precious Grace

      Can you please share your complete resolution for this? Thanks!

  13. Indrasena Avatar


    We are also facing an issue, Which Suresh Maruthi is getting.
    We are into:
    PT 8.53.12
    CRM 9.2
    Below are the process getting failed.
    Process-1 CR_GBL_CASE:

    Service Exception: ns2:AdminAPIRuntimeFault : EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operation “getState”. (262,1018) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.AdminResponse.OnExecute Name:AdminResponse PCPC:1452 Statement:20
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:848
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:getState Statement:816
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:GetCrawlStatus Statement:285
    Called from:PTSF_GENFEED.SES_ST
    Process 551744 ABENDED at Step PTSF_GENFEED.SES_STAT.Step01 (PeopleCode) — RC = 24 (108,524)
    Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) — RC = %s
    PSAESRV completed service request at 00.10.23 2014-08-09

    Process-2 CR_RC_CASE

    Error Message:
    SES crawler status : Failed , restart AE after resolving the error (262,153) PTSF_GENFEED.SES_STAT.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step01.OnExecute PCPC:6680 Statement:76
    Process 551743 ABENDED at Step PTSF_GENFEED.SES_STAT.Step01 (PeopleCode) — RC = 24 (108,524)
    Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) — RC = %s
    PSAESRV completed service request at 18.22.29 2014-08-08

    Please help us to resolve this issues.


    1. Muru Avatar

      Hi Indrasena,

      Just wanted to know, if you was able to find the root cause of the issue.


  14. prakash Avatar

    Fantastic guide.. worked well.. my SES is ready

  15. prakash Avatar

    Problem has been solved.. This is due to that our weblogic admin server domain has not started properly.. process created in linux but http://localhost/7001/console is not reachable

    Adminserver server should be up and running and weblogic admin console should be reachable to get FUSION_APPS_SEARCH_APPID user information from idstore.

    1. Randy Avatar

      Thank you for sharing the resolution!

  16. carlos Avatar

    Did you get this to work? If you did, how you got around it. I appreciate your help. I’m getting the same error message.

    Thank you

  17. Dimples Avatar


    Can anyone please respond how to resolve the Service Exception: ns2:AdminAPIRuntimeFault : EQA-15000: An unexpected error occurred during operation “getState”. (262,1018) error?

    1. Randy Avatar

      Prakash posted a reply above indicating the problem was related to the Weblogic Admin server not running or not properly accessible. I’ve not personally seen this problem so I’m not sure of the specific details.

  18. Andy Avatar

    Hi all, i’m getting the following error/failure with the Job Search Agent (App. Engine HRS_JOB_AGNT) in Recruitment 9.2 (Tools 8.53). Not sure if it’s an SES issue, and XML generation issue or something else, there’s not a lot intofmation out there:

    Service Exception: Fault Code = SOAP-ENV:Server : Fault String = EQG17060: Internal query syntax error. at (262,143) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.QueryResponse.OnExecute Name:QueryResponse PCPC:676 Statement:9
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:437
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:ExecuteQuery S

    Process 2816 ABENDED at Step HRS_JOB_AGNT.SrchIdx.Step02 (PeopleCode) — RC = 8 (108,524)

    I have run a deeper trace and it’s implying it’s erroring on the create XML:

    32541147 10.36.46 0.000038 3: If %This.m_ibStatus = 0 Then
    32541148 10.36.46 0.000046 4: try
    32541149 10.36.46 0.000062 5: %This.m_doc = CreateXmlDoc(&msg.GetContentString());
    32541150 10.36.46 0.212011 Caught Exception: XML parser error CreateXmlDoc (159,5) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.QueryResponse.OnExecute Name:QueryResponse PCPC:207 Statement:5

    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:437

    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.QueryService.OnExecute Name:ExecuteQuery Statement:47

    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.Query.OnExecute Name:Execute Statement:39

    Called from:HRS_COMMON.SEARCH.BUS.JobSearchProvider.OnExecute Name:ExecuteSearch Statement:463

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Khalil Avatar

      Did you fix this issue? if yes, can you please share the fix or workaround?

    2. Sakthivel Avatar

      Hello All,
      I am getting the below error from a “Financial Sanctions Validation process (App Engine: AP_SDN_VAL)” similar to Andy’s. Can anybody provide any input please ?

      Service Exception: Fault Code = SOAP-ENV:Server : Fault String = EQG17060: Internal query syntax error. at (262,143) (9999,9999)

      Parsing error: see above Verity message(s)
      Thanks in advance.

    3. Jason G. Avatar
      Jason G.

      I would love to know if this was ever resolved and what the issue inherently was. This exact error just sprang up in our environment and there’s not much helpful info available.

      1. Randy Avatar

        Jason, What patch level are you at for SES? There was an SES bug that impacted the job search agent search referred to in Andy’s original post and it was supposed to be fixed in SES BP5.

  19. Krish Avatar

    Hello, I have an issue in our fscm 92 environment, people tools 8.53
    Search Framework, Administaration> deploy/delete object. I accidentally deleted “PTPORTALREGISTRY” definition. I wanted to re-deploy the same and I can’t do it. How can I recover. On the deploy search definition, I see 51 other objects except for this. Any help is very much appreciated.

    1. Randy Avatar

      Since you deleted a delivered definition, you should be able to migrate/copy it back into the environment from any of your other FSCM 92 environments. The search definition and related objects can be moved with App Designer. You can not “open” them in App Designer, but you can do “insert into project”.

  20. venkat Avatar

    We are experiencing the same problem. Have you resolved this by any chance. If Yes do you mind to share the fix/workaround.

    Thanks in advance!


  21. venkat Avatar

    and this is for Irina


    But then a never-ending process brings permanent message “SES crawler status : Launching , time elapsed 4385 sec, next check after 120 sec ”

  22. Mukunthan R Avatar
    Mukunthan R

    Great, It very useful.

  23. Chandu Avatar

    Could you please let me know if there are any updates to fix this issue?

  24. Chandu Avatar

    Facing issue when running AE. Could anyone please help me?

    Successfully generated feed for Search definition HC_HRS_APP_INDEX (262,151)

    SES crawler status : Failed , restart AE after resolving the error (262,153) PTSF_GENFEED.SES_STAT.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step01.OnExecute PCPC:6680 Statement:76

    Process 2304029 ABENDED at Step PTSF_GENFEED.SES_STAT.Step01 (PeopleCode) — RC = 24 (108,524)

    Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) — RC = %s

    PSAESRV completed service request at 13.19.35 2015-02-18


    1. Randy Avatar

      Review the SES crawler log. Failure at that point can be caused by various things and you need more details.

      1. Vivek Avatar

        Hi Guys, We are also getting same error , once every day.
        Can any once tell me what is the location of the crawler log location.

  25. Donna Avatar

    We are experiencing the same issue as Chandu. Where can we find the SES crawler log?

  26. Donna Avatar

    Found the crawler log…
    EQG-30237: Crawler plug-in warning: EQP-80317: HTTP connect attempt failed after 3 attempts. Aborting connection attempt: {2}. Verify that the details of the item such as URL, ACL, e

    Has anyone else seen this? I will keep looking. Thank you.

    1. Randy Avatar

      I’ve not seen that particular one that I remember. There may be something else in the crawler log that is useful. Is there a URIHandler initialized for the URI line anywhere in the log? This is SES Also is it on the same search index?

    2. Sai Avatar

      Hi Dona,

      We are having the same issue, Could you please let me know How you resolved the issue? if it is resolved.

      Thanks in advance.

  27. stuart Avatar

    We’ve had a question asked, that we could not answer. Do you know what order the search order results come back in or what determines the result set order?

  28. Matt Avatar

    Having trouble seeing any data after having the SES configured. The crawler diagnostic tests was successful and was able to deploy the Search definition and category without any errors errors on Feed Generation.. But the People soft page not giving any search results. The result stats from the crawler log for the search definition had 0 listed and also had below at least 2 set of errors. Any help is appreciated.

    EQP-60305: Exception when parsing channel: Exception when parsing channel: EQG-30237: Crawler plug-in warning: EQP-80330: Unrecognized QName :ErrorMessage. Please check the following 1. Verify that the feed conforms to the feed schema and there are no XML parsing errors in the feed. 2. Check that the network to the repository is available. 3. Check that the feed has not been deleted from the repository.. Please check the following 1. Verify that the feed conforms to the feed schema and there are no XML parsing errors in the feed. 2. Check that the network to the repository is available. 3. Check that the feed has not been deleted from the repository.
    EQP-60307: Error when processing item channel_error : : EQP-60305: Exception when parsing channel: EQG-30237: Crawler plug-in warning: EQP-80330: Unrecognized QName :ErrorMessage. Please check the following 1. Verify that the feed conforms to the feed schema and there are no XML parsing errors in the feed. 2. Check that the network to the repository is available. 3. Check that the feed has not been deleted from the repository.[[

    [] [tid: Main Thread] [ecid: 0000Ko_TmhpDWb55nRWByZ1LIHH3000001,0] Unable to find LHA library lha.jar at:D:\app\oracle\ses\wlserver\Oracle_SES1/search/lib/lha.jar
    [2015-05-05T15:04:49.858-04:00] [search] [ERROR] [EQG-40455] [] [tid: Main Thread] [ecid: 0000Ko_TmhpDWb55nRWByZ1LIHH3000001,0] Can not process LHA files.
    [2015-05-05T15:04:49.918-04:00] [search] [NOTIFICATION] [] [] [tid: Thread-21] [ecid: 0000Ko_TpwaDWb55nRWByZ1LIHH3000009,0] HTTP status code: 200
    [2015-05-05T15:04:49.918-04:00] [search] [NOTIFICATION] [] [] [tid: Thread-21] [ecid: 0000Ko_TpwaDWb55nRWByZ1LIHH3000009,0] PTSFGetScheduledFeed.err uploaded successfully

    ========== Crawling results ===================
    Crawling started at 5/5/15 3:04 PM
    Crawling stopped at 5/5/15 3:04 PM
    Total crawling time = 0:0:19

    Source type is “PeopleSoft”

    Total number of documents discovered = 0
    Total number of documents updated = 0
    Total number of documents deleted = 3
    Total number of documents excluded = 0
    Total number of documents with processing errors = 0
    Total number of documents with conversion failures = 0
    Total number of documents not for index = 0
    Total number of documents queued for indexing = 0
    Total number of documents indexed = 0
    Total data queued for indexing = 0 bytes
    Total data indexed = 0 bytes

    Number of times disk cache is full = 0

    1. Dinesh Kumar Avatar
      Dinesh Kumar

      Hi Matt ,
      Was this issue resolved ? even we face the same in Production SES Built

      1. Wira Sanjaya Avatar
        Wira Sanjaya

        Hi Mat and Dinesh,

        I am facing the same issues as well. Do u guys know how to resolved this issue?


        1. Wira Sanjaya Avatar
          Wira Sanjaya

          Hi Mat and Dinesh,

          I solved the issue for my case, The problem is in user SES permission.


          1. Ganesh K Avatar
            Ganesh K

            Hi Wira,

            What SES Permission was the problem? Are you referring to the three roles?? (SearchServer, Search Qry Admin and Searchadmin)??

            Would you be kind enough to elaborate?? Thanks

  29. Gordon Klindt Avatar
    Gordon Klindt

    We are implementing 9.2 Finance. The PTSF_GENFEED runs frequently. When it does the Purchasing Add/Update page will not display following the GENFEED run. The PSVERSION SYS is out of sync with other counters, the page logs show that following the SELECT VERSION FROM PSVERSION WHERE OBJECTTYPENAME = ‘SYS’, the page just disconnect. No search page is displayed.
    To correct, we shut down all servers, stop the database, restart, restart servers, run PSVERSION and page display normally.
    Now we run the GEN_FEED nightly until we understand or find a fix.
    Anyone else have this issue?

  30. spider Avatar

    Hi All,
    Getting below Error while running RS_CACHE_AD Process in 9.2. Please help
    SES crawler launch failed with error Service Exception: ns2:InvalidInputFault : EQA-10033: The property “search:assignedSources/search:assignedSource” for object type “schedule” must not be empty for operation “start”. (262,1018) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.AdminResponse.OnExecute Name:AdminResponse PCPC:1452 Statement:20

  31. Anil Avatar

    We are getting below error while performing th SES.

    An error has occurred while performing search. Error Detail: Service Exception: Fault Code = env:Server : Fault String = [Server CodecHandler] Failed to encode fault
    -> EQG17073: Your security filter is not ready. Please try again later.

    1. Santhosh Avatar

      Hi Anil, we are getting the same error. Did you get any luck on this error.
      for us it was all running fine, out of blue we started getting this error.. But all ses tests and diagnosis are clean..

      1. Jeremy C. Radwan Avatar
        Jeremy C. Radwan

        I am seeing this same error, but only with one user! Other users can search fine and get results, but one user gets “An error has occurred while performing search, please contact your administrator.” and in the trace I see “PCodeWTL(1/3): An error has occurred while performing search. Error Detail: Service Exception: Fault Code = env:Server : Fault String = [Server CodecHandler] Failed to encode fault -> EQG17073: Your security filter is not ready. Please try again later.”

        1. Randy Avatar

          There was a bug that was causing this that was fixed in BP4 , Are you fully patched for SES?

  32. Wira Sanjaya Avatar
    Wira Sanjaya

    Hi Randy,

    I’ve done the configuration of the SES and the global search field has been shown up. But when I tried search something, I cannot find any result.
    Do u know where i can take a look the error or the missing step? Maybe log or something.


  33. ABHISHEK Avatar

    After the SES installation, when running a search from Global Search Bar, it fails with message : “An error has occurred that has stopped this transaction from continuing.”
    Failure” nsresult:”0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)”location:”JS frame


    When I try to deploy the PTPORTALREGISTRY search definition, the page is getting signed out from the below navigation.
    Main menu – PeopleTools – Search FrameWork – Administration – Deploy/Delete Object.
    Any help on this is highly appreciated.

  35. rafa Avatar

    Thanks for the usefull information.
    I´ve got it running on an environment.
    How can I make process PTSF_GENFEED not to appear anymore on another environment?
    We are not using this any longer with SES but process is still running daily and finishing No success. I just want it to stop being run.


  36. Samir P Avatar
    Samir P

    Hi Randy,

    We implemented only PTPORTALREGISTRY SES Search Definition.
    Some of portal navigation are coming in the Search but some portal navigation are not coming in the search result.
    Also, Search with “Erg” its giving result for “Ergebnisbeteiligung” but when we search for “Erge” it does not gives the same result.
    Even, when we search using PORTAL_PRNTLABEL, it gives less result then what the query PTPORTALREGISTRY is giving for same PORTAL_PRNTLABEL.

    Could you please suggest anything.

  37. Paolo Avatar

    Hi Randy,

    The PTSF_GENFEED process in PeopleSoft ended to No Success and I am having this crawler plug in error. Anyone encountered this error before?

    2016-06-05 08:15:23.884 ERROR main EQG-30117
    null Unexpected crawler plug-in error: java.lang.NullPointerException
    2016-06-05 08:15:23.884 ERROR main







    at ImtCrawler.main(

    1. Srini Avatar

      I am facing the same issue, any resolution you have got.


  38. atgihdgv Avatar

    a wonderful post!

  39. watkins Avatar

    Gurus – this is a great post!
    I need some help.
    In SES Admin GUI, We need to delete a schedule which is in Launching status which prevents from deleting. Do you happen to know how to change it to scheduled status so we can delete the schedule?


  40. Subhransu Mishra Avatar
    Subhransu Mishra

    Does anyone know how to disable the process PTSF_GENFEED which runs every morning around 1 AM as we don’t need SES now?

    1. Randy Avatar

      The PTSF_GENFEED Application Engine is started by the PRCSYSPURGE Application Engine. You will need to customize the PRCSYSPURGE AE to prevent it from starting the PTSF_GENFEED AE. It’s section SrchInd.

  41. suhail Avatar

    Hello Gurus, Can you please help me on this issue. I am facing this problem.

    PeopleTools 8.55 – Application Engine Server
    Copyright (c) 1988-2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
    All Rights Reserved

    PSAESRV started service request at 01.01.22 2016-10-14

    Starting program PTSF_GENFEED (35,36)

    Search Definition PTSEARCHREPORTS was not properly deployed (262,169) PTSF_GENFEED.SETUP.GBL.default.1900-01-01.Step04.OnExecute PCPC:17392 Statement:169

    Process 6774 ABENDED at Step PTSF_GENFEED.SETUP.Step04 (PeopleCode) — RC = 8 (108,524)

    Process %s ABENDED at Step %s.%s.%s (Action %s) — RC = %s

    PSAESRV completed service request at 01.01.22 2016-10-14

  42. Abhi Avatar


    We are not getting any jobs on careers page. I have tried undeploying and deploying back HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING and building the index again. Any help appreciated.


  43. Eddie Avatar

    The financial sanctions list was imported and indexes built, but getting the following warning on some vendors: ‘Warning – Either no financial sanctions listing has been loaded or the verity index was not built. This transaction was not validated. If this transaction should be validated against a sanctions listing, a list must be loaded and/or the index must be built.’ When you click OK, the following comes up ‘Warning – Parse errors were encountered processing Search Index = AP_SDN_AKA_NAME’. Has anyone else experienced this. We are on 9.2, Ptools 8.55.13.

  44. STEPHANIE Avatar

    you need to clarify where the issue is for job posting

    Are the index job running successfully?
    Do you have any integration broker error message in error log?

  45. Mark Avatar


    This error message is produced when attempting to un-deploy a Search Category:

    Service Exception: ns2:CreatableAdminObjectFault : EQA-11000: The object with key “[name=HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING_PSPROD]” and type “sourceGroup” was not found. (262,1018) PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.MESSAGE.AdminResponse.OnExecute Name:AdminResponse PCPC:1452 Statement:20
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:doService Statement:992
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:delete Statement:916
    Called from:PT_SEARCH.SESIMPL.AdminService.OnExecute Name:RemoveCategory Statement:224
    Called from:PTSF_DP_CAT_WRK.PTSF_UNDEPLOY_BTN.FieldChange Statement:34

    Service Exception”

  46. Mark Avatar


    Even though the User Profile being used has been verified and tested to have sufficient privileges the following error message is produced when attempting to deploy the delivered job search instance ‘HC_HRS_JOB_OPENING ‘:

    “Cannot un-deploy the object HC_HRS_JOB_OPENING. (262,1010)

    The current user has insufficient privileges to complete this operation.”

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