Webserver detected with incorrect Version of JDK

Now that PeopleTools 8.53 is out, I’ve seen people that are doing PIA installs posting about this problem a few places.

Webserver detected with the incorrect version or JDK or no JDK found. Please try again, The required JDK is version 1.7

The only  reason I’ve seen so far for this error is the value for JAVA_HOME is not properly set in $WL_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/bin/commEnv.sh.  This is set when performing the install of Weblogic.  Fix this and try to install PIA again.

To fix it, look at commEnv file, and find where JAVA_HOME is set.  Double check that it’s the right location to the JDK 7 location.  PeopleTools 8.53 now requires JDK 7 and it is available with the rest of the PeopleTools downloads on Oracle’s Edelivery site.  However, the version provided on edelivery is an rpm and by default will install to /usr/java.  If you are like me, you may want to install this JDK for Weblogic at a specific location.  If that’s the case, I recommend skipping the JDK rpm from edelivery and grab the JDK tarball from the OTN download site.  Download the tar.gz version and do what you want with it.  If you do not have root access this will be helpful too as the rpm installer will want you to be root.  If you do want to use the rpm you can use the – -prefix  (2 dashes without a space) option to install to another location. You’ll still need to be root and it will still place some things in /etc.

rpm -ivh --prefix=/opt/apps jdk-7u9-linux-x64.rpm

I still prefer just extracting the tarball.  There is something to be said about the simplicity of it.  If you:

  1. install the tarball
  2. export JAVA_HOME=/path/to/jdk
  3. install Weblogic with $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar /path/to/wls1036_generic.jar -whatever -other -options you want
  4. source psconfig.sh and run $PS_HOME/setup/PsMpPIAInstall/setup.sh

You should have no problems, it worked fine for me on OEL 5.8.  If you used the RPM and are still having problems.  Try running as root

/usr/sbin/alternatives --config java

Which will change system wide the default version of java used.  But you shouldn’t have this problem if you used my method above.

Hope this helps.



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